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to see additional categories to purchase from, including Season Gifts, Prints, Greeting Cards, Photo Gifts, Home Decor (including many frame options) and Photo Books.The Star Barn has been an important part of the Central Pennsylvania landscape since master carpenter and designer Daniel Reichert built it for banker and gentleman farmer John Motter. This majestic three-level Carpenter Gothic structure was the last remaining of the 15 monumental barns.
A Milk Shed ViewpointA Winter SnowAll The King's Horses Could NotAlmost ForgottenAlways Been HereAngularAnother Inside ViewAnother Rte 283 ViewAt The WallCarriage House and Star Barn Side ViewChicken CoopDoor To The Stone CellarDried Pond ViewFive Building ViewpointFrom A DistanceFrom The BackFront and Milk ShedFront CornerFrontalGoin' Up