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Hopewell Furnace is an example of an American 19th century rural "iron plantation". The buildings include a blast furnace, the ironmaster's house and auxiliary structures including a blacksmith's shop, a company store and several workers’ houses. Hopewell Furnace was founded in 1771 by ironmaster Mark Bird. The site's most prosperous time was during the 1820–1840 period with a brief boom in production during the American Civil War. In the mid-19th century changes in iron making, including a shift from charcoal to anthracite rendered smaller furnaces like Hopewell obsolete. The site discontinued operations in 1883
Along the FenceAnother View of the Ironmaster's Mansion and Surrounding BuildingsAnthracite FurnaceBack of the Anthracite FurnaceBethesda ChurchBethesda Church Another ViewBlacksmith's ShopBlacksmith's Work BenchCare BarnCast House and FurnaceCast House ViewCompany Tenant HouseCooling Shed and Charcoal HouseCooling WagonDoor Knob and KeyholeFinished ProductsFront of Ironmaster's BarnFurnace StackHopefulInside the Bridge House